An urban living environment
An urban centre with a magnificent view of the river, downtown Longueuil is a vibrant living environment where home, work, school and play are all within walking distance.
Downtown Longueuil can be described as a true major urban centre because of its metro station, its central public square and its diverse features.
The city centre is an ideal site for innovative real estate development projects in the heart of the business, culture and knowledge district.
Downtown within a 5-minute walk:
- 9 minutes from downtown Montréal
- Already home to 5,000 residents, 8,000 workers and 10,000 students
- 3 universities and 2 hotels
- The greatest concentration of high-rise buildings on the South Shore
- Several branch, government and private company offices
- A network of walkways connecting the various downtown buildings and the metro
- Links to the metropolitan bike path network
Le centre-ville :
- À 9 min du centre-ville de Montréal
- Déjà 5 000 résidents dans le coeur urbain, 8 000 travailleurs, 10 000 étudiants
- 3 universités et 2 hôtels
- La plus importante concentration d’édifices de grande hauteur de la Rive-Sud
- Les bureaux de plusieurs antennes régionales, gouvernementales et d’entreprises privées
- Un réseau de passerelles entre les divers édifices du centre-ville et le métro
- Maillage au réseau cyclable métropolitain
Potentiel de développement :
- Investissement privé de 3 G$
- + de 8 500 nouvelles unités d’habitations
- + de 1,5 M p2 d’espaces à bureaux
- + de 100 000 p2 d’espaces commercial et de services
Unique business opportunities
The downtown area offers exceptional development opportunities and competitive land potential in one of the last available waterfront sites in the Greater Montréal area. It is strategically located and ready to welcome innovative, unique and sustainable projects in all five of its development sectors:
Development potential in the city centre:
- Private investments of $3 billion
- More than 8,500 new housing units
- More than 1.5 million m2 of office space
- More than 100,000 ft2 of commercial and service space
Place Charles-Le Moyne sector – PCL
As the site of the Longueuil–Université-de-Sherbrooke metro station, this sector, which forms the heart of downtown Longueuil, is home to a variety of activities that give it its metropolitan flair.
A major real estate develpment project of Devimco in the downtown area, valued at nearly $ 500 million, calls for the creation of nearly 1,200 housing units as well as various commercial spaces, and will make the Longueuil–Université-de-Sherbrooke metro station universally accessible.

The business and university hubs are complemented by abundant cultural elements, as well as new buildings that house shops and services, bringing life to the neighbourhood.
Whether you live, work or study here, a network of walkways between the various buildings and the metro allows you to reach your destination on foot, rain or shine!
A destination in itself, the city centre offers you breathtaking views of the river and of the Monteregian Hills!
Secteur du Pont
Correspondant à l’emprise du pont Jacques-Cartier et de l’échangeur avec le boulevard Taschereau, le secteur du Pont sera complètement changé et se démarquera par l’aménagement d’une porte d’entrée de la Rive-Sud iconique, par la construction d’édifices à bureaux et par le retissage urbain du boulevard Saint-Laurent.

LSR Gesdev débutera à l'automne 2021 la construction de Novia, la première phase de son projet immobilier mixte situé à l'intersection des rues Saint-Laurent Ouest et de la place Charles-Le Moyne. Elle accueillera 273 logements de même que des espaces commerciaux. La deuxième phase, Homia, comprendra une résidence pour aînées de 162 chambres et 43 logements.
Longue-Rive sector

The Longue-Rive sector stands out for its prestigious residential high-rise building featuring public galleries on a human scale. With a stunning view of the St. Lawrence River and downtown Montréal, Longue-Rive is the site of the last remaining vast riverside spaces still available for development in the Greater Montréal area.
A huge 35-hectare riverside park will enhance this area for the benefit of the entire population of Longueuil.
Place Longueuil sector

The redevelopment and consolidation of this sector will revitalize this strategic district, which is located between Place Charles-Le Moyne and the heritage site. Ground-level developments will encourage public green spaces, consolidate local shops and services, and promote the construction of residential buildings.
College sector

The College sector offers a living environment made up predominantly of institutional and office spaces. Situated at the south end of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, the area is mainly comprised of the Champlain College campus and the land adjacent to boulevard La Fayette.
Pour en savoir plus
La vision, les actions structurantes et les occasions d’investissement propices au développement de chaque secteur sont définies dans la revue Longueuil centre-ville. Vous y trouverez également la description de tous les terrains, ainsi que leurs caractéristiques spécifiques. Par ailleurs, la vision et les actions structurantes sont définies dans le programme particulier d'urbanisme du Centre-ville.
Find out more
The vision, key projects and investment opportunities conducive to the development of each sector are defined in Longueuil Centre-ville magazine. You will also find a description of each property, as well as its specific characteristics The project’s vision and framework are defined in the Programme particulier d’urbanisme Centre-ville (PDF in French).
Find the perfect lot for you by consulting the interactive map and detailed lot information sheets!