Companies located on the Agglomération's territory include:
- Sherweb
- Tec (Technology Evaluation Centers)
- Ebox
- Global LiFi Tech
- Global Payments Canada
- iBi Solutions Inc
- Sogema Technologies
- Mediagrif Interactive Technologies
- ClicNet Telecommunications Inc.
Longueuil within Greater Montréal
Longueuil is part of the landscape of the Greater Montréal area and, as such, benefits from the expanding reach of the concentration of global leaders in the information and communication technologies sector.
Greater Montréal is a major hub in North America’s IT services industry due to its:
- highly skilled, bilingual labour force;
- low operating costs;
- and targeted tax incentives tailored to the needs of businesses.
Proximity to the many universities in the Greater Montréal area, the large pool of available labour, and access to the transit network via the Longueuil–Université-de-Sherbrooke metro station make Longueuil an ideal location for IT companies to set up shop.
Longueuil is also affiliated with Techno Montréal, the technology cluster of Greater Montréal, bringing together the latter’s technology players around key projects driven by the industry.
Source: TechnoMontréal
Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field. Clusters encompass an array of linked industries and other entities important to competition. They include, for example, suppliers of specialized inputs such as components, machinery, and services, and providers of specialized infrastructure. Clusters also often extend downstream to channels and customers and laterally to manufacturers of complementary products and to companies in industries related by skills, technologies, or common inputs. Finally, many clusters include governmental and other institutions—such as universities, standards-setting agencies, think tanks, vocational training providers, and trade associations.
Source: Porter, M.E. (1998) “Clusters and the New Economics of Competition,” Harvard Business Review, November-December, 1998
Montréal's reputation for artificial intelligence
Longueuil also benefits from Montréal’s reputation for expertise in artificial intelligence (AI). According to some, Montréal has become the ideal city in which to open an AI start-up. Some of the most successful AI business accelerators in the world work with these companies in the start-up phase right here in Montréal.
Source: Montréal international
Financial incentive
The Government of Québec offers a tax credit for the development of e-business, in order to support specialized companies doing innovative, high-value-added work in the IT sector. This tax credit applies to the salaries paid to certain employees for this work.
Source: Gouvernement du Québec
CeFTI – Centre de formation en technologie de l’information – Université de Sherbrooke
The Centre de formation en technologies de l’information, or CeFTI, has a mission to define, promote, offer and manage the information technology programs of the Faculty of Science at the Université de Sherbrooke.
The university offers several programs (links in French):
- Graduate microprogram in computer security - prevention
- Graduate microprogram in computer security - reaction
- Specialized graduate diploma in video game design (DDJV)
- Specialized graduate diploma in software engineering (DGL)
- Specialized graduate diploma in informaton technologies (DTI)
- Master of software engineering (MGL and MTI)
The CeFTI is staffed by an impressive array of IT experts standing by to assist businesses with their projects. It supports the IT operations of public and parapublic organizations.
Longueuil: smart city
Longueuil continues to computerize certain of its operations, for example, online permit applications, which have proven very popular with residents.
Through data analysis and the use of innovative technologies, Longueuil is positioned to both improve the quality of its citizen services and streamline the use of its service delivery outlets.
To achieve this, Longueuil is currently developing a smart city strategy, based on best practices.
This approach is consistent with Longueuil’s mission, which is to create an appealing and welcoming living environment for current and future residents.